Would Like to Meet | 100% Verified Online Dating
Join these & all other 100% Verified members for FREE today!
What makes us different?
Enough of dating scams & fake profiles! We focus on quality genuine people.
We offer transparency and ensure every member is real.
Yes! We hand verify every picture added to every profile to ensure each is real, clear and recent date Ukraine brides.
Each person is asked to record a private 10 second video, which we then compare their picture(s) to.
Public video?
Your video will NEVER be shared, published or shown to anyone. Strictly for verification purposes only.
Does this take long?

No. You can either do it online or download our free App from below which seamlessly connects to your camera.
So, how it does work?
3 simple steps to safe, hassle free dating
Private Video
Submit a quick & painless verification video
If your photo and video match, you’re free to explore!
As Cosmopolitan Magazine said about us “there’s pretty much no reason not to sign up”, so if you want quick, real, and trusted online dating sign up TODAY and leave fake, misleading, or Catfish dating to the other websites!
What are the features?
We keep it simple to use by working hard behind the scenes!
100% Verified MembershipEvery single member is verified by a living breathing person. Result? No fake, misleading or catfish profiles.
Beautiful Date PlannerA super smart dating system that helps you suggest and plan a date with members in just a few clicks.
Really Simple IntegrationMovies, music & holidays are a great ice breakers so add yours. WLTM then adds the image to your profile.
Instagram IntegrationOptional but a great way to show what you get up to. Only displays your photos (no links/Instagram username etc)
Post Date FeedbackAgain optional but rest assured this remains strictly between you and WLTM. Helps us help you stay safe while dating.
Postcard InboxOur unique postcard message format, where you instantly see a large image of the sender. No more page after page of text to wade through.
Find MatchesWith your permission we use the latest browser technology to grab your approximate location for faster searches. Either at home, work or both!
Connect & ChatChat in real-time with fellow WLTMers – in style! Message away safely and to your heart’s content. Who doesn’t love some instant chat?
Who is talking about us?
Just a few of the people talking about WLTM!
Need a re-cap
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll start the video…